Арчи прислал ссылку на генератор слоганов.
Я залипала часа два.
Я залипала часа два.
Джейси 1:31
блядские экзамены for the rest of the night.
Be funny with блядские экзамены.
Think. Feel. блядские экзамены.
Джейси 1:32
блядские экзамены is under control.
Джейси 1:33
Have fun, have блядские экзамены.
ещё больший бред I can't belive. It's Честерфилд.
As necessary as Честерфилд.
Master of Честерфилд.
Честерфилд makes millions friends.
Attention please! Николай wanted!.
Hey! Give me Арчи.
Keep in touch with Арчи.
lesbian sex always at your fingertips.
lesbian sex so good you want it again.
All you need is lesbian sex.
When you say Щито you've said it all.
секс еа! is your happiness
романтика блеать enjoy it.
Hey! Give me романтика блеать.
Start the day with романтика блеать.
будь мужиком блеать - A never ending story.
будь мужиком блеать put the World to sleep.
The art of пиздоболия.
There's a bit of АДвокАД in all of us.
Any questions? АдвокААААат is the right answer.
The Power of АдвокААААат.
It's miracle in the rain, it's котики.мокренькая кисонька? xD
What happend when you doesn't have котики.
курсач is back.
Super size, Super разврат.
Tomorrow is разврат day.
разврат is so amazing.
разврат - 1% pure.
разврат for pleasure and energy.
ещё больший бред I can't belive. It's Честерфилд.
As necessary as Честерфилд.
Master of Честерфилд.
Честерфилд makes millions friends.
Attention please! Николай wanted!.
Hey! Give me Арчи.
Keep in touch with Арчи.
lesbian sex always at your fingertips.
lesbian sex so good you want it again.
All you need is lesbian sex.
When you say Щито you've said it all.
секс еа! is your happiness
романтика блеать enjoy it.
Hey! Give me романтика блеать.
Start the day with романтика блеать.
будь мужиком блеать - A never ending story.
будь мужиком блеать put the World to sleep.
The art of пиздоболия.
There's a bit of АДвокАД in all of us.
Any questions? АдвокААААат is the right answer.
The Power of АдвокААААат.
It's miracle in the rain, it's котики.
What happend when you doesn't have котики.
курсач is back.
Super size, Super разврат.
Tomorrow is разврат day.
разврат is so amazing.
разврат - 1% pure.
разврат for pleasure and energy.