Фак еах, у меня теперь до фига бесполезных тегов.
И все они - цитаты. Почти все - цитаты из моих любимых песен.
Кроме одной
[we are so pretty oh so pretty, we're vacant!] - Sex Pistols, "Pretty Vacant"
[putting out fire with gasoline] - David Bowie, "Cat People"
[knockin' on heaven's door] - Bob Dylan, "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"
[all I ever wanted all I ever needed is here in my arms] - Depeche Mode, "Enjoy the Silence"
[singing la la la la ~] - Iggy Pop, "The Passanger"
[she loves you yeah yeah yeah!] - the Beatles, "She loves you"
[I can’t sleep, cause my bed’s on fire] - Talking Heads, "Psycho Killer"
[out here the good girls die] - the Killers, "A Dustland Fairytale"
[F Is For Frank who was stabbed through the eye] - Creature Feature, "A Gorey Demise"
[You lost Hawkeye??!!!] -
[i'm the chairman of the bored] - Iggy Pop, "I'm bored"
[wave your hands in the air like you don't care] - Korn, "Word Up!"
[cause in the daylight anywhere feels like home] - Matt & Kim, "Daylight"
[with the lights out it's less dangerous] - Nirvana, "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
И все они - цитаты. Почти все - цитаты из моих любимых песен.
Кроме одной
[we are so pretty oh so pretty, we're vacant!] - Sex Pistols, "Pretty Vacant"
[putting out fire with gasoline] - David Bowie, "Cat People"
[knockin' on heaven's door] - Bob Dylan, "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"
[all I ever wanted all I ever needed is here in my arms] - Depeche Mode, "Enjoy the Silence"
[singing la la la la ~] - Iggy Pop, "The Passanger"
[she loves you yeah yeah yeah!] - the Beatles, "She loves you"
[I can’t sleep, cause my bed’s on fire] - Talking Heads, "Psycho Killer"
[out here the good girls die] - the Killers, "A Dustland Fairytale"
[F Is For Frank who was stabbed through the eye] - Creature Feature, "A Gorey Demise"
[You lost Hawkeye??!!!] -
[i'm the chairman of the bored] - Iggy Pop, "I'm bored"
[wave your hands in the air like you don't care] - Korn, "Word Up!"
[cause in the daylight anywhere feels like home] - Matt & Kim, "Daylight"
[with the lights out it's less dangerous] - Nirvana, "Smells Like Teen Spirit"