Я скучаю по
the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes D:
Дочитала первый том New Avengers и листаю "Сикхырит Инбеичон",
оно же Secret Invasion в корейском переводе

"Кхэпхытхин Америкха", "Тхони Сытхакхы", "Обэнчжосы"
и прочие радости корейской транскрипции!
Но мне не хватает сериала =/
Iron Man: You lost Hawkeye?!!
Cap: We'll buy you as much time as we can. Find Kang. You're the only one who can do it, Tony. *leaves*
Iron Man *to Ant Man* : I hate him. You know, when he's right.
Ant Man: That's how the rest of us feel about you. Good luck, Tony.
Это просто топ! За что я буду вечно признательна создателям сериала
Avengers assemble!
Captain America: They says those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
If the old ways include training and preparation, then maybe you need to slow down a bit.
Iron Man: Uh, slow, uh, down? I hear you talking, but the words don't make sense. 
Снова Тор и Халк : D
Thor: The Hulk boasted that he would smash more machines than I. He is sorely mistaken.
Hulk: Goldilocks thought he'd smash more robots than me. Stupid hammer man!
Hulk: Time to smash!
Iron Man: I could try my uni-beam.
Wasp: Or, we could pretend to be Girl Scouts? Everyone opens the door for Girl Scouts.
Iron Man: You're not helping, Jan.
их отношения! 
Iron Man: There's no way you're going to make that shot.
Wasp: Yeah, Iron Man is right. That's just not going to happen.
Ant Man: I don't like to use the word impossible, but it may fit here. What do you think, Hulk?
Hulk: Don't care. Only came in case Hawkeye started a fight.
Hawkeye: Thanks for the support, team. What do you think, old man?
Cap: I haven't seen you miss yet. I don't expect you to start now.
Халк ломать, Халк пожирать! : D
Iron Man: If you so much as sneeze in a way I don't like, I'll let the Hulk have you for lunch. Got it, Widow?
Wasp: Isn't it funny how people are all afraid of you? I bet she really thought you'd eat her.
Hulk: I would.
Хоукай - это эпик вин всего сериала 
Hawkeye: Everyone relax! I'm here to save the world! Again.
Hawkeye: You go, take Hulk and Wasp.
Panther and I will finish up here.
Iron Man: Clint...
Hawkeye: Go!!.. *staring at Panther*
Yeah, I know. I'm dumb.
И немного Тони
Iron Man: Avengers, assem... Well, acrually, Avengers, disassemble. фэйл 
Loki: That armor. The metal is Uru!
Iron Man: Yea, the same as Thor's hammer, I know.
Now get away from my people, before you get hurt!
мои люди!! всё моё! иди отсюда, мальчик 
Iron Man: Not to bad, team.
Cap: Not too bad yourself, Iron Man.
Цитаты 16-26 серии
Hawkeye: Missed me?
Grim Ripper: I've never met a man so tired of being alive.
Mockingbird: Ahh, isn't there anyone you trust?
Hawkeye: Like who? You? Fury's little spy? Serve you right if I left you here. Once i fugure out how I'm getting out.
Mockingbird: That's probably what Iron Man is saying about you right now. You disobeyed your team leader,
dragged half of your team out here, got a SHIELD agent captured! All to get back at a girl who lied to you. Real professional!
Thor: You wish to end a life, villain? Then try ours!
Wasp: Yeah! Wait... what?!
-Director Fury, this isn't just attack on SHIELD. The United Nations is under attack.
We're getting distress calls from all over. Sir, what are your orders?
Nick Fury: Someone get me the Avengers.
Black Panther: Iron Man implied that he would like to have a word with us, when we return...
Hawkeye: That sounds like fun!
Cap: How many explosive arrows do you have?
Hawkeye: None. I could throw rocks if you want.
Hawkeye: You ready, jade jaws?
Hulk: I'm always ready.
Wasp: See? Everything according to plan.
Ant Man: You know those Quinjets cost Tony about $20 million apiece, right?
Wasp: Well, it wasn't my plan.
Nick Fury: Fury to Iron Man. We're out of time. Kang's forces have taken over 3/4 of the planet,
and for every city we're holding, four more falls.
Iron Man: Are you calling just to give me a pep talk?
Ant Man: I'm guessing they're not going to just open the door for us, though.
Hawkeye: Hulk, why don't you knock?
Ant Man: Okay, so what now?
Cap: We take down Kang.
Ant Man: That's right, I forgot. Violence first.
Iron Man: Great. On top of everything else I have to deal with Wasp going nuts.
Cap: I want you to protect civilians from Hydra. They're the monsters here, not you.
In my day, we had a name for someone like you.
Hulk: Yeah, what's that?!
Cap: Hero.
Thor: Hawkeye possess the spirit of a true warrior.
Iron Man: Yeah, he's something.
Iron Man: Why would you do that? The doors open automatically!
Thor: Well done, Hulk.
Cap: Not to rain on your parade, Tony. But I saw a similar machine do the same kind of thing back in my day. It worked, too.
- the Mortal is waving at us. Why is he doing that?
"The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes", 2010 год
По мотивам комиксов про Мстителей. Краткие истории участников команды, основание Мстителей и несколько важных событий вселенной Марвел (в основном, конечно же, битвы). Мне лично создатели угодили с графикой и чувством юмора) Хорошая вещь!
В первом сезоне 26 серий, старт второго сезона назначен на начало 2012.