Железный Человек летает круче всех и падает он тоже сука лучше всех (с)
эх, любите меня ~
сентиментябрь продолжается
"For me love looks like an interesting plaything.
But also like a disastrous toy.
It's like a tiger's tail, which you cannot catch and once you do catch it you cannot let go.
You regret losing love, but you cannot catch and hold it forever"
"Though there is a view that love is stronger than death,
do i not know that love is stronger than life?
I prefer to live than to die for love"
это На Дохян ~
так, надо возвращать её в корейский центр, иначе она мне всю учёбу загубит
и вообще...
Sex treiben - gesund bleiben (c)
нет, не так.
Love is in the air ~

сентиментябрь продолжается
"For me love looks like an interesting plaything.
But also like a disastrous toy.
It's like a tiger's tail, which you cannot catch and once you do catch it you cannot let go.
You regret losing love, but you cannot catch and hold it forever"
"Though there is a view that love is stronger than death,
do i not know that love is stronger than life?
I prefer to live than to die for love"
это На Дохян ~
так, надо возвращать её в корейский центр, иначе она мне всю учёбу загубит
и вообще...
нет, не так.
Love is in the air ~
