Железный Человек летает круче всех и падает он тоже сука лучше всех (с)
Чистила закладки и вспомнила про ЭТО.
После очередной нашей дринкинг-гейм мне ЭТО показала Наташа,
и ЭТО оказалось очень актуальным :lol:

Взято: http://1stclass-kink.livejournal.com/4418.html?thread=6288450
Драббл шикарен, я дарю автору ногу и сердце.

Erik was sitting by the window, reading a Folio edition of Hamlet. He looked up as Charles came in.
“Erik, I’ve just been speaking to the children next door and I need your advice, my friend. I-”
Erik put up a hand and cut him off, saying gravely “One moment, Charles.”
Then he laid the book aside, went past Charles to the still open door and leaned out to bellow at the top of his voice “SHOTS!
There was a chorus of groans from the drawing room and Charles stood bewildered as Erik sauntered back to his seat
and picked up his book again. He gave Charles a bright smile and said “I’m sorry Charles, what were you saying?”


@темы: [I can’t sleep, cause my bed’s on fire]