Железный Человек летает круче всех и падает он тоже сука лучше всех (с)
Benetton withdraws ad campaign image of Pope kissing Egyptian imam after Vatican complains it is disrespectful
Italian clothing firm's ad also featured Obama kissing Hugo Chavez and Angela Merkel kissing Nicolas Sarkozy.

Benetton is going for shock value in its latest ad push, which shows major world leaders,
including Barack Obama, Hu Jintao and Benjamin Netanyahu, kissing.
And not just any old peck. It's a full head-tilted, eyes-closed sort of deep smooching.
Agency is the Italian Fabrica, in partnership with MDC Partners' 72andSunny.

Видэхан Рёндочжа и Два Мегабайта
Ким Чен Ир и Ли Мён Бак

@темы: [I can’t sleep, cause my bed’s on fire], [singing la la la la ~], [with the lights out it's less dangerous]