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-Iron Man.
-It's been a long time.
*железная броня в смятку. занавес*
11.01.2012 в 08:45
Iron Man vs Magneto(с)Одно мнениеTo be fair, Tony does have a special armor that he’s made for when he’s around Magneto. It is made of rubber, I think? Possibly plastic. But even still, this is an extraordinarily unbalanced fight.
Tony has metal in his body in the form of the liquid armor that he would have to flush out.
And, oh yeah, Magneto can control people’s blood. Magneto can manipulate electricity. Magneto can give you a stroke. How anyone ever defeats Magneto is frankly beyond me.
It is pretty much the worst imaginable match up for Tony. And I can’t decide if it is IC or OOC for him, because while he does have a lot of arrogance, he’s also pretty pragmatic. He’s not afraid of removing himself from a situation when he knows he can’t win. Going through with the fight or not—both make sense for him in the right circumstance.
On the whole, I can’t really imagine a victory for Magneto, though. If Magneto wins, the whole thing seems pretty pointless, because it would be such an easy fight. Magneto curb-stomping Iron Man is just not a fight that needs an issue or two to tell. The only way to make this worthwhile is if Tony whips out something amazing.
(But on the other hand, I also wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t fight at all and the promo lied. I also suspect that by the end of the mini, the X-Men and the Avengers will unite against a common foe. And also, there will be at least one shocking death. If it’s a man, he’ll be back within the year. If it’s a woman, she’ll take a decade at least to return.)
(с)Мне тут и сказать нечего…
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